Click to enlargeCross Stitch Supplies - $1.00 or less

Books, cross stitch - $1.00 or less<br>many to choose from!
Books, cross stitch - $1.00 or less
many to choose from!

Antique Seed Beads, cross stitch (Mill Hill)<br>(40_colors)
Antique Seed Beads, cross stitch (Mill Hill)

Retail: $2.00
Our price: $1.79
DMC 6-strand Floss, cross stitch (select from 6_colors)
DMC 6-strand Floss, cross stitch (select from 6_colors)

Retail: $0.91
Our price: $0.54
DMC 6-strand Floss, Variegated, cross stitch<br>(2_colors)
DMC 6-strand Floss, Variegated, cross stitch

Retail: $0.91
Our price: $0.49
DMC Satin (rayon) cross stitch<br>(51_colors)
DMC Satin (rayon) cross stitch

Retail: $1.30
Our price: $1.19
Frosted Glass Beads, cross stitch  (Mill Hill)<br>(21_colors)
Frosted Glass Beads, cross stitch (Mill Hill)

Retail: $2.00
Our price: $1.79
Hearthside Fabric, two 7x7" pieces, cross stitch, Cream with Green<br><font color=red>84% off</font>
Hearthside Fabric, two 7x7" pieces, cross stitch, Cream with Green
84% off

Retail: $3.00
Our price: $0.49
Seed Beads, cross stitch (Mill Hill)<br>(54_colors)
Seed Beads, cross stitch (Mill Hill)

Retail: $2.00
Our price: $1.79
DMC 6-strand Floss, cross stitch (select from 6_colors)
DMC 6-strand Floss, cross stitch (select from 6_colors)

Retail: $0.91
Our price: $0.54

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