Click to enlargeDelta Zeta, scrapbook items, sorority, fraternity

Scrapbook items featuring Sororities and Fraternities

The manufacturer of the sorority papers has stopped production, so when we sell the current papers, we can't get more.

Delta Zeta, 12" x 12", dots, sorority scrapbook cardstock paper (Two Fish Concepts)
Delta Zeta, 12" x 12", dots, sorority scrapbook cardstock paper (Two Fish Concepts)

Retail: $2.50
Our price: $1.99
Delta Zeta, scrapbook stickers, 8x10" sorority, fraternity (Two Fish Concepts)
Delta Zeta, scrapbook stickers, 8x10" sorority, fraternity (Two Fish Concepts)

Retail: $7.00
Our price: $5.99

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